Cemetery Bisses

The “old” cemetery in Bisses lies on the eastern edge of the village, north of Georgenstraße. It was ravaged during the Nazi regime; after the war the remaining headstones were set in place – but in the wrong direction, i.e. facing west.
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Today 19 headstones are standing; the broken remains of many others, some elaborately decorated, lie on the north end of the wall.

The northernmost stone is broken off at the base; the name Rothschild can be read on the pieces of rubble lying next to it.

Most of the headstones have Hebrew engraving on the west side.

A few also have German engraving on the east side. Only one stone has German engraving on the west side.

The second stone (from the north) has the name “Blümm Rothschild aus (from) Echzell” but contains no other information.


The third grave belongs to Isack Rothschild from Echzell, who died Sept. 23, 1879; the fourth is that of Emanuel Strauss of Echzell, who died December 9, 1878

Headstone 5 is heavily damaged, but the family name Reis and the date May 1824 are still visible. Then comes Caroline Strauss from Echzell, followed by a stone whose German engraving on the back is no longer legible.

The German engraving on headstone 14 is on the west side; it commemorates Amalie Loeb, née Katz, wife of the late Moses Loeb of Berstadt, born December 5 1823, died August 16, 1884. This is the newest determinable grave in the Bisses cemetery.